Many people suffer from severe unrelenting pain. Many times they are under the impression that there is nothing that may be done, but there is acupuncture. It has a great track record for relieving sereve debilitating pain such as severe MIGRAINE, BACK PAIN, NECK PAIN, SHOULDER PAIN, KNEE PAIN, ETC.
I have been working with patients suffering from MS, Parkinson's disease for 24 years. Acupuncture eases many symptoms of these diseases. With time, acupuncture may slow disease progression. Acupuncture is excellent when treating Post Stroke patients - Time is of the essence.
It is a branch of acupuncture that treats many neurological conditions. Neurological diseases like Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's disease favorably respond to acupuncture, especially Scalp acupuncture.
My Specializations
*Disk Herniation
* Peripheral Neuropathy
* All types of Migraines
* Back Pain
* Neck Pain
* Spinal Stenosis *
*Body pains due to Lyme Disease
* Arthritis (RA included)
* Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
*Parkinson's disease *
*Stroke Rehabilitation
* Restless Leg Syndrome
* Trigeminal Neuralgia
*Macular Degeneration
* Retinitis Pigmentosa
* Glaucoma
* Central Retinitis
* Floaters
* Diabetic Retinopathy
* Stargardt’s macular dystrophy
Dr. Alexander Kuzminov, DACM, L.Ac. graduated Summa Cum Laude from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and has been practicing for 24 years. He is certified by NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine). Dr. Kuzminov is licensed in NY, CT and PA. In 2009, he traveled to England and completed his study on how to treat many serious eye diseases. In 2012 he finished his training in Scalp Acupuncture for neurological diseases.
"I first approached Dr. Alexander Kuzminov for acupuncture to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome. My patient profile revealed chronic and worsening problems from CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and Lyme disease. Dr. Kuzminov told me what no mainstream medical practitioner could and started to work with my problems in according with Chinese Me
"I first approached Dr. Alexander Kuzminov for acupuncture to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome. My patient profile revealed chronic and worsening problems from CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and Lyme disease. Dr. Kuzminov told me what no mainstream medical practitioner could and started to work with my problems in according with Chinese Medicine. Here is what has been accomplished and confronted: Full use of my hands with out pain and numbness. Allergies gone. Prostate now functions normally. Seborrhea dermatitis - gone. Restored digestive and bowel functions. Blepharitis practically gone. Acid reflux mostly healed. Spinal column vastly more mobility. Complexion is excellent. Overall Energy and Well being better and still improving. I look forward to continuing to work with Dr. Kuzminov in order to obtain optimal health.
Joe S. Darien, CT
For approximately 2 ½ months, I have been undergoing acupuncture treatments by Dr. Alexander Kuzminov. My treatments have primarily been for injured knees resulting from a skiing accident and for a tendonitis condition in my elbow from which I have suffered for almost 50 years. I can say without equivocation that in each case there has
For approximately 2 ½ months, I have been undergoing acupuncture treatments by Dr. Alexander Kuzminov. My treatments have primarily been for injured knees resulting from a skiing accident and for a tendonitis condition in my elbow from which I have suffered for almost 50 years. I can say without equivocation that in each case there has been discernible improvement. As a result of this experience, I have more recently sought treatment for some other ailments, more recent in nature. I have no reservation about recommending Dr. Alexander Kuzminov as a very knowledgeable and competent acupuncturist.” SOR (age 66), New York.
JW - I am female, 72 yrs. of age and have had Osteoarthritis for over 10 yrs. After many years of a variety of unsuccessful orthopedic treatments, I decided to look into Acupunture. At that point, the severe pain was in my knees, back, hip and upper arms. After researching Acupunture on the internet, I chose to see Dr. Alexander Kuzmin
JW - I am female, 72 yrs. of age and have had Osteoarthritis for over 10 yrs. After many years of a variety of unsuccessful orthopedic treatments, I decided to look into Acupunture. At that point, the severe pain was in my knees, back, hip and upper arms. After researching Acupunture on the internet, I chose to see Dr. Alexander Kuzminov, L.Ac. At that point, I was taking Tylenol, and Ibuprofen three to four times a day, to no avail. My visits were 2 times a week at first, for approximately 4 months, down to once a week presently. My overall pain level is now 2 out of an original 10, at the start of my treatment. It was determined that I have been favoring my knee when walking, thereby causing the relating pains in other areas. My goal now is to focus on straightening my posture, which results in walking properly with pain. Through my visits with Dr.. Kuzminov, I learned to deal with my stress and pain with Acupunture, herbology and oils, rather than prescription or over the counter pain medications.
Jean W. Stamford CT.
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