Please call the office (203-461-8463) to book an appointment with Dr. Kuzminov.
Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine that was developed in China over 2,500 years, followed by the Japanese and Korean styles of acupuncture. As a result, there are many variations of treatments and techniques used in acupuncture. Acupuncture involves inserting small thin needles into a human body to improve blood circulation and energy. Scalp acupuncture was also developed in China by Jiao Shun-fa. This is another style of acupuncture that corresponds to areas of the brain that govern specific functions of the body.
An example is needling Core and Tremor area for Parkinson’s disease.
Acupuncture is most effective as preventive medicine. Research has confirmed that acupuncture stimulates the body’s immune system thus improving your resistance to infection. If you are healthy, your treatments can focus on increasing your overall vitality and energy. Acupuncture results in deeper healing rather than nearly taking care of symptoms. It can have a profound effect on psychological and emotional well-being.
Chinese herbal medicine started well before acupuncture. It was first given as an individual herb. As centuries went by, herbal medicine became complex herbal formulas. Herbal medicine penetrates deep into the body and in conjunction with acupuncture, it results in a very effective treatment for many different diseases. Chinese herbal medicine may be used for gynecology, gastrointerology, neurological, and Psycho-emotional conditions, just to name a few. One of the most popular applications for acupuncture is to treat mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.
Cupping is a treatment which involves placing glass or plastic cups strategically on the body to improve blood circulation and muscle relaxation. Cupping is used to treat different types of pain, and respiratory conditions such as influenza and asthma. Over the years, cupping became a popular form of treatment among many actors and athletes seeking to improve well being and performance.
Gua Sha is a technique using a plastic or jade tool to scrape the skin in different body areas to produce a light petechiae. It allows the stagnant blood to be replaced by new blood which nourishes muscles and brings more nutrients to a treated area. It has been used to treat migraine headaches, lower back, shoulder, elbow and knee pains.
Please call or email if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Holistic health is caring for the whole person. It is tending to your physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs, being aware of how all these aspects affect your overall health. Acupuncture and herbal medicine is a way to provide holistic health.
It depends on your insurance. We do not file with insurance, but we will provide you with all of the paperwork that you need to pass onto your insurance.
Anyone who's health can improve can benefit from our help. We will work with your to figure out the best way to to integrate our holistic care into your current wellness practices.
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